What is it like to be a Glammie?

March 16, 2017

Hi everyone, it’s Alexis and I’m very excited to do my first guest blog!  
If you haven’t gotten a chance to meet me yet, I am the Director of Social Media and Public Relations for the Glam Squad or as Amanda likes to call me, “our social media girl” and as Lou likes to call me, “someone who is literally inside of my brain constantly”. That fancy title means that I am in charge of the content that gets posted across all of our social media platforms, from Instagram to Facebook, youtube, and even this blog right here.  I spend a lot of my time editing the posts to make sure that they are as perfect as possible after I’ve interviewed Lou.  I’m always brainstorming new ideas for content that y’all would love to read about, and I wanted to tell you about just what it is like to be a glammie from my perspective!   

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However all that technical stuff doesn’t really matter that much and frankly might get a little boring… the point is I love my job. So much that I actually dropped so many hints and hounded Lou and Amanda to give it to me! I started with the Glam Squad almost a year ago- but when I started I didn’t have the position that I have now, I actually started as an intern. I needed the credit for my degree {fun fact, not only am I a glammie, I’m a full time student at VCU} and I just applied for the internship on a whim! I didn’t think there was anyway I was going to get it, the internship seemed too good to be true, to work for such a large Bridal Company? It was kind of the dream especially because I’ve always wanted to focus my career in the beauty and fashion industry versus the traditional news world that most journalists pursue. 

Long story short, I spent the summer of 2016 working as an intern and come September when that internship ended I was devastated. I played it so cool in front of Lou and Amanda but I had fallen in love with not only the work but with Lou, and Amanda, and Malory and all of the other glammies and I didn’t want to leave! It was strange at first because there were a few weeks that there wasn’t much contact between us, I was finding any excuse to keep the relationship going because frankly that’s how much I loved it! Every now and then I would send them a picture, or a video of us doing something funny from the summer, just so I could stay on their radar and just because the relationship that I had formed with them was something that was so special to me. 

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At that point The Glam Squad Academy was really taking off and the need for models for the students was very large so Amanda had called and asked if I could come, and I basically fell into my old routine! There was a new group of interns there but I still was taking pictures and recording videos simply because that’s what I was used to and at the end of the class I joked with Lou and Amanda that they should just hire me to do this because I was so good {I promise I am very modest, they had just fed my ego that day so I was on a high} at that point it was just a joke, but then it turned into something serious and Amanda asked me to email her my resume and the rest is kind of history. 

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I’ve always been a firm believer in the quote “if you have a job you love you won’t work a day in your life.” I’ve argued that for as long as I can remember, especially after I told everyone I would be majoring in journalism and the sentence “Good luck finding a job” was uttered thousands, literally thousands of times, but with the Glam Squad, that is exactly how I feel. Of course I feel overwhelmed sometimes..being a student and working is that way for everyone who does it, but I will never be able to put into words how much I love my job. 

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When we say “Welcome to the Glam Fam,” we mean it, because this team, is a family. I call Lou and Amanda my moms away from my mom because they truly want to to see me succeed and want what is best for me as a person and in a lot of workplaces you don’t have that. So when people ask me what it is like to be a glammie, the answer can’t be easily summed up in a sentence, because it is like nothing else in this world. Being a glammie means you are constantly surrounded by love, support, and a group of people pushing you to be your absolute best. And if that is what it means to be a glammie, who wouldn’t want to be one? 

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